How To Choose A Dog Boarding House

To find a quality establishment located nearby, the best option is to consult a directory of dog boarding houses, and then look at the reputation of those that seem interesting. To do this, it is enough, for example, to consult the comments online or to inquire on social networks.

However, this does not replace a visit on-site: that is why, before leaving your dog in boarding, it is better to take the time to take a tour yourself.

Several elements can inform the master about the degree of professionalism and seriousness of the establishment:

  • Strict hygiene conditions must be respected: a quality establishment must be clean, lit, airy, secure, and treated against pests and insects. In addition, it must be air-conditioned in summer and/or heated in winter, if the local climate so requires;
  • It must accommodate only dewormed animals, up to date with their vaccines and treated against parasites;
  • Residents should appear healthy, happy, and well-treated;
  • The staff must be made up of animal professionals with a certificate of capacity. They must be affectionate and benevolent towards their residents, and be numerous enough to be able to spend time with each of them;
  • Dogs must benefit from quality maintenance, adapted in particular to their type of coat;
  • A veterinarian must be able to intervene at any time if care is necessary. Quality animal pensions often enter into a partnership with local veterinarians to guarantee very short response times in the event of a problem;
  • The equipment must be in accordance with the needs of the residents. For example, the dog must have the opportunity to isolate himself from other animals if he wishes (in a kennel, an individual box, etc.), he must have enough games and walks to exert himself, the kennel in which he stays must be large enough and have a view of the outside, etc.;
  • If the food is provided by the pension, it must be of quality and always fresh. In parallel, clean and fresh water must be available to the dog at all times;
  • The number of animals must be reasonable in relation to the size of the premises, as overcrowding can cause negative effects (stress, fights between dogs, injuries, health risks, etc.);
  • It must be possible to visit the premises on request, including before any reservation. is one of the top-rated dog boarding centers in SoCal, and they have a good reputation for offering affordable dog boarding san diego handling dogs with care and professionalism. They even offer training to your furry buddy.


Choosing Activities for Your German Shepherd


Renowned for its great intelligence, the German Shepherd is a dog that needs a lot of physical and mental activity to thrive. As a German Shepherd owner, you need to find the right activities for your dog. To do this, you must know your dog well, know his preferences, and have an idea of ​​his abilities. Here are some tips that can guide you.

The German Shepherd is an athletic dog

One of the very athletic dog breeds, the German Shepherd has a muscular and powerful body. Therefore, he needs to exercise daily. A breed of dogs having herding dogs as its ancestor like its cousin the Australian Shepherd, the German Shepherd likes to stay outside. He also has a lot of stamina and is very dynamic. As a result, this dog is the ideal companion for people who like to move and who love to play sports. Moreover, sport is really a recommended activity for the German Shepherd.

The German Shepherd loves to play and have fun

Overflowing with energy, the German Shepherd loves spending time with his master or with other dogs with whom he can have fun. Very intelligent, this dog learns quickly and understands the limits imposed on him. Of a gentle nature, your dog loves children who can stay with him without fear.

Games And Activities For Your German Shepherd

Both athletic and intelligent, the German Shepherd will happily take part in different types of activities and games. You can do activities inside your house, but your dog will enjoy activities outside more. So, do not hesitate to go hiking with him, to participate in mountain biking can events, play treasure hunts, or even do obedience games.

If it’s raining, don’t hesitate to invent mental stimulation games for your German Shepherd. He will also appreciate the quiet moments spent next to you.

Canine Frisbee

When it comes to games, you’ll be spoiled for choice. Particularly fond of running, the German Shepherd loves the game of canine Frisbee. This game has the advantage of making you have a great time with your dog while not tiring you out. This game is also great for socializing your dog since you can involve other dogs in the game.


Tracking is also a great game for the German Shepherd. This type of game allows you to sharpen your flair. It must be said that the German shepherd is excellent at this game. This is why this dog is often chosen to help the police in various search missions. In addition, the tracking game provides excellent mental stimulation for your dog.


Finally, one activity that you should not miss doing with your German Shepherd is canicross. This activity allows you to develop your relationship with your dog and teach him basic commands. Allowing you and your dog to do a physical activity together, canicross can only be beneficial.

At Wustenbergerland, we offer you well-trained German Bloodline German Shepherds, and we will advise you more on the right exercises that work for them.

How to Train a Mastiff

Not all types of mastiffs are the same, as some have a more manageable behavior than others. In fact, these dogs can show a very stubborn and imposing temperament that can make the task of training difficult. In fact, the mastiff is a dog that responds very badly to negative training techniques, which is why punishments or mistreatment of any kind should not be used. Fortunately, there are canine education strategies that are suitable for these dogs, here we will talk a little about them and give you some tips.

The mastiff must be trained from puppy

It is recommended to start training a mastiff when it is a puppy from 8 to 10 weeks of age. All furry people adapt differently to training routines, some can learn the lessons faster and others can be more stubborn and therefore it may take them longer to develop their obedience. In either case, you should arm yourself with patience and not throw in the towel in case your mastiff gives you problems.

1. Set goals:

You must be very clear about everything you want your dog to achieve with training. For example, the tricks you want him to learn, the skills you want him to acquire, the fears you want him to overcome, etc. All this you should write down and track the objectives so you can work based on it.

2. The rewards and punishments in the training of the mastiff:

Rewards can be edible and verbal. Both should be used as a way to tell the dog that he has done well, that is what is known as positive reinforcement. The dog to be rewarded will want to repeat those behaviors, since it likes to please its owner and succeed in the activities it performs. Rewards must be delivered at the precise moment when the dog obeys an order. In that sense, rewards should not be used in wrong situations because they will lose meaning for the furry.

3. Give your dog a positive workout:

Some breeds of dogs were created to follow instructions and learn commands as is the case of the border collie. In the case of the mastiff, this breed does not have in its nature the disposition to follow orders, because it was created to protect. That makes this furry very independent of its owner. For this reason, the dog should be offered training that is attractive to him, such as that offered by the Educanino virtual program for dog training. This course pursues the objective that the sessions are pleasant for the dog so that he can feel motivated.

4. Socialize the mastiff dog:

From an early age you should accustom this dog to being surrounded by different people and other pets. This with the aim that the dog has a good socialization so that it knows how it should behave both outside and inside the home when there are other individuals. You have to make the dog live new experiences and expose himself to different environments. That way, when it is an adult, you can take it everywhere regardless of whether there are many people or animals, because for the dog those situations will not be anything new. Also, when a dog relates to others, it is easier for him to understand what good manners are.

No matter what type of mastiff you have in your home, these tips will help you educate it to have a balanced and obedient pet. We recommend you, starting from these bases to teach your furry different orders that allow you to control their behavior; for that you can read our next article

Feeding a Mastiff

The food that a mastiff receives along with its genetics will be two of the factors that will most influence its life expectancy. Any breed of dog should receive a good diet, but perhaps this is even more important when we are talking about large or giant dog breeds.

Mastiffs are expensive to buy, breed and keep. Although they do not eat as much as you might think of such a large dog, they do need abundant food, especially when they are in the growth stage and can gain up to 2.5 kg of weight per week. A mastiff can go from consuming 18 kg to 36 kg of feed in a month.

Diet and nutrition of a mastiff

Not all breeds of mastiffs are the same, not all weigh the same or eat the same, but in general we can adapt to generic parameters of dogs of very large breed to know how to feed our mastiff, either a copy of mastiff lions or a Neapolitan mastiff.

How to feed a mastiff?

Mastiffs tend to be relaxed and inactive dogs, so they do not expend much energy. Still, they consume a lot of food because of their size. Growing puppies and young adults will consume more energy than mature adults.

A mastiff requires a diet with good quality food. According to experts in canine nutrition an active adult mastiff weighing around 90 kg requires an intake of approximately 3700 calories daily. Older dogs may need slightly fewer calories, while some dogs may need more calories depending on their activity level and individual metabolism.

Mastiff puppies, being in their growth stage, consume more calories than mature dogs and also than young adult dogs. A young mastiff weighing over 70 kg needs about 3500 calories per day.

It is advisable to measure the amount of food we provide to our mastiff, and that it is only accessible to the ration provided for half an hour. If during this period of time the ration that we have given you has not been finished, it is best to remove the remains. In this way we can prevent the dog from being overweight.

Since mastiffs can be prone to bloating, it is advisable to divide the daily dose of food into a minimum of twice a day. Puppies can usually eat three meals per day until they are old enough to start eating twice like adult mastiffs.

How To Bathe Your Mastiff

For many people bathing their dog is an ordeal, something understandable in giant breeds for a pure matter of weight and space, but not so much in sizes let’s say … “normal.”

The first thing we must decide is the periodicity with which we will bathe it, which (except in cases of veterinary prescription, with the appropriate products) should never be less than one month. Dogs (especially some breeds) have a tendency to stay clean “on their own.” How often to bathe him then…? A monthly bath, and even every two months, is more than enough to avoid skin problems and keep our friend clean. Below we will detail the steps for a correct maintenance bath in a companion dog. Obviously, in the specimens destined for beauty competitions other procedures and products are used… But that’s another story.


We will need a specific shampoo for dogs (the one for humans, although neutral, has been created for a different ph of skin), as always the most prestigious brands are the most expensive, but the shampoo lasts a long time and our friend well deserves it. Conditioner and / or detangling, which may seem like an excessive luxury, but in breeds with a tendency to knots in the hair is practically essential. Brush, because we will brush it before bathing. Towels, in large surfaces we will find them at very low prices and will last us a long time. Anti-slip mat, is a rubber mat that is placed on the floor of the bathtub, we will find it in the bazaars (it does not need to be of good quality, we will buy a “cheap”, after all we will use it little, it only serves to prevent the dog from slipping). Dryer (we will talk about it in the drying section).


Always with warm water, which is pleasant in terms of temperature (better a little cold than a little hot). First of all brush well. If necessary, we use the product for detanglement. Next, we start by soaking the dog well, spraying him with the shower diffuser against the grain, always avoiding the head (for now we are only going to bathe him from the neck backwards). When it is well soaked we apply the shampoo with a gentle massage, without haste, letting it penetrate well between the fur (this will take us a few minutes if done well). Then we clarify and repeat the same operation (it is advisable to soap twice and rinse twice). The final rinse must be very thorough, with great care that there is no foam or shampoo left on the coat.

Once the dog is bathed and rinsed, it is the turn of the head. The ears will be cleaned with specific products never with soap and / or water, the eyes with physiological serum or “artificial tears”. The rest of the face with the same shampoo, but always very careful not to come into contact with eyes and ears.


We have finished with the bathroom and we only have to dry it. First drain the fur well (by hand) to avoid excess water. Then rub vigorously with the towel. At this point we have two options: go outside (it is the fastest and most practical in summer or in hot weather) and dry on its own, or use the dryer. In the second case it is very important not to use maximum power, never apply it less than fifty centimeters, or more than a couple of seconds in the same place. Interestingly, dogs withstand that heat very well (maybe not so much noise) and it would not be the first case of serious burns produced by a dryer. We will use it in all directions, sometimes against the grain, sometimes in favor, while we brush it to prevent the hair (especially if it is long) from taking shape. A few minutes (depending on the length and density of the hair) will be enough for us to finish the bath… Until next month, of course.

Important note: The puppy should not be bathed until it has completed the vaccination cycle and its veterinarian authorizes it. Meanwhile, we can use dry shampoos, or simply talc.